Presentation at the National Medical Association Conference in Orlando, FL.
Well, I just returned back from the National Medical Association Conference in Orlando, Florida where I talked about the new program that I developed entitled, "Developing a Graduate Certificate Online Program in Ethnic and Rural Health Disparities." The audience of primarily physicians, public health researchers and health administrators asked several questions regarding the program and I enjoyed the dialogue with the audience. It was a long morning and afternoon session of experts across the country presenting their clinical and basic science studies to the audience.
Not only did I verbally presented the ERDH program to the NMA conference attendees, I also presented a poster presentation. Several of my colleagues in this session were pleased that we were able to get the extra time to set-up our posters during the same day of our oral presentation.
Overall, the National Medical Association conference is a superb national conference which allows primarily physicians/medical professionals of color to come together and discuss their clinical practices and research. I have attended the NMA conference before and it gets bigger and bigger each year. Yet it does appear that the NMA is attempting to include more professionals from other disciplines other than medicine to become a part of their conference and association. I think that it's time to do it in a major way.
During the opening ceremony, the NMA also honored a number of distinguised physicians from across the country including Dr. Virginia Caine, Dr. Wilbert Jordan, Dr. Michael LeNoir, Dr. John C. Nelson, Dr. Griffin Rodgers, and the new Surgeon General Dr. Regina M. Benjamin. In addition, the First Lady Michelle Obama received a distinguished Scroll of Merit Award.
Finally, I saw a few of my former colleagues from NIH and met new medical professionals in which we had engaging conversations about the new Health Care Reform policy. All in all, Orlando, Florida was an excellent city to host the 2010 National Medical Association Convention and Scientific Assembly.
Now I know that my new Ethnic and Rural Health Disparities (ERHD)Graduate Certificate Online Program and my medical anthropologist's approach to medical care can be the nation's leader in online training the next generation of medical and public health professionals!