Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Face of America on Amazon's Hot New Releases

Yesterday, I learned that my upcoming new book, "The New Face of America: How the Emerging Multiracial, Multiethnic Majority is Changing the United States," is on Amazon.com's Hot New Releases in Minority Demographic Studies. As of today, it is actually in the top 25 new books for 2013. Here is the link for the Amazon.com Hot New Releases:


Of course, it's very exciting to have another book being published very soon. In fact, most online book stores have listed the date of publication - May 31st, 2013. Yet this is the time to order my book - the pre-order time period before the book is actually published allows individuals to get a fresh take on the book before anyone else.

As I have stated earlier, I believe this book will have a major impact on all of us in the United States. It is very timely book simply because the future is now and we can no longer think that multiracials and multiethnics are an issue of the distant future. Their time is now and it is time for all of us to embrace and recognize our multiracial heritage.

Finally, my new book has already shown that it has a national political impact because of the re-election of President Obama. Many political pundits suggested that one of the major reasons why President Obama was re-elected was due to the significant multiethnic diversity of the U.S. voting base. This diversity in the voting base favored President Obama as many political pundits concluded. Of course, let's not AVOID THE OBVIOUS - President Obama is actually the country's first Multiracial President along with being labeled as the first African American President.

Again, one of my major themes from this book that I love is -- Let's not AVOID THE OBVIOUS! It is time for multiracials and multiethnics to be respected at all levels, communities, families and organizations in the United States and the world!

Feel free to send me an email at ejb678@gmail.com for the latest info related to my new book.